Active & Visible Leadership
In The Field
At North American Construction Group, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) are recognized as an integral part of our core business and are continuously reviewed for improvement opportunities.
North American Construction Group’s (NACG) HSE Management System has been developed to:
- ensure the adequacy and continuous improvement of our HSE processes, programs and procedures;
- drive a sustainable improvement of our safety performance;
- further distinguish NACG as a leader in our industry
- focus on continuously improving the HSE performance for ourselves, our environment, our customers and the communities we work in.
The objective of North American Construction Group’s HSE Management System is to promote safe, environmentally responsible operations by ensuring that the hazards and environmental impacts associated with our operations and work activities are clearly understood and appropriately managed. Consistent with the graded approach process, the greater the hazard associated with a work activity, the more rigorous the preparation and authorization process required.

Our commitment is to place safety and the well-being of our employees, the environment and subcontractors first. Our approach will be to:
- emphasize work planning, hazard analysis, and hazard control;
- secure active client, employee, and subcontractor participation;
- integrate client requirements and expectations;
- vest the responsibility and accountability for safety and occupational performance within the front line organization;
- create added value through exemplary safety performance;
- install management and feedback systems that permit the measurement of progress toward our vision;
- reward superior performance;
- explore opportunities for program improvement;
- communicate effectively, consistently, and completely.
NACG recognizes that in order to achieve our safety vision, our leaders must create and promote a safe workplace. We believe that this can be achieved through active and visible leadership in the field. Leaders must lead by example, promoting our core values and communicating the importance of health and safety throughout the organization. Visible leadership requires positive interaction with employees and ongoing coaching and encouragement for positive safety behaviors. Leaders must realize that what they value and how they behave are the primary methods for communicating a positive health and safety message to our employees. Within NACG, all leaders will promote a positive culture and demonstrate their commitment to ‘Everyone gets home safe’.